Prioritization: build what matters most

Quickly prioritize initiatives from anywhere in ProductPlan. Arm yourself with data and ensure your team is spending time on the things that matter.

Prioritize Roadmap Initiatives

Deciding what to build (or what to build next) is one of the most critical decisions product organizations face. You only get so many chances to make an impact. So it’s vital to choose wisely and make the most of your window of opportunity. We help you simplify prioritization decisions so you can confidently pursue product opportunities!

Stay Organized with Prioritization Board

Weight individual items based on the importance of different factors, and rank by overall score to determine most and least pressing initiatives.

“Standardization is a scary word that’s viewed as being slow and heavy-handed and stifling innovation, but ProductPlan was an accelerator for us.”

Warren Boerger, Global Head of Seeds Digital Product and Machinery Partnerships at Syngenta

Servpro wix

“ProductPlan has just enough. I don’t want tools that have so much functionality that it’s too hard to learn and never gets used or we only use a fraction of features.”

Jason Wix, Director of Program Management at Servpro Industries, LLC at Servpro

“We’re not making roadmaps because it’s fun. With ProductPlan, our team is spending less time talking about what we’re doing and more time actually doing it.”

Chris Dudak, Senior Manager, Product Management at Lionbridge

Allison Kelsey

“It was a fit for Geocaching for where we are at and where I anticipate us going. ProductPlan lets us be fast and not overanalyze everything. As we mature our processes, it will be able to evolve along with us.”

Allison Kelsey, Director of Product at Geocaching

“The ProductPlan roadmap gets everything in my brain out into a very digestible picture—being able to articulate my vision and save my sanity makes me feel so much more organized, prepared, and ready”

Courtney Freitag, Senior Product Manager, IT Digital Solutions Department at AMN Healthcare

Dan Larsen

“ProductPlan has helped us improve the business by giving us back our time to think strategically—not tactically—about how to share information.”

Dan Larsen, Technical Product Manager at Henry Schein

Darren Learmonth, CTO at Acre

“The more you dig into [ProductPlan], the more power it has. It’s super accessible, so you can easily achieve an outcome. I think it’s super powerful for what we want and need. And honestly, I don’t think I would want anything more complicated.”

Darren Learmonth, CTO at Acre

Blogs related to Prioritization

Product Planning is a Year-Round Endeavor

Product Planning is a Year-Round Endeavor

Sticking to inflexible annual planning cycles can introduce significant challenges in the era of rapid technological advancements. The static nature of traditional product planning cycles fails to consider quickly-improving technologies and unforeseen changes in the...

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Is It Time to Dump Your Product Frameworks?

Is It Time to Dump Your Product Frameworks?

Great products come from great product teams—not from frameworks. Using the right product framework can help guide a team’s work. But the product will be only as good as the people behind it. Product Frameworks Can Become a Crutch A few years ago, marketing author...

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