First 90 Days as a Product Manager

Your First 90 Days as a Product Manager: How to Navigate a New Team and New Product

In the first 90 days of your new product manager leadership role, you have the opportunity to discover and propose new directions for your team. It’s vital not to waste this time. To be most effective, it’s wise to go in with a plan. But do you know where to start?

In this webinar, we are joined by Jim Semick of ProductPlan, Ambica Sogal of Hewlett Packard, Roxanne Mustafa of VMware, and Kevin Steigerwald of Jama Software. Our expert panel digs into how you should be spending your first 90 days in a new role.

Whether you are joining a new company or a new team, you’ll learn the crucial steps you need to take to be successful. You’ll learn what questions you need to be asking and what to look out for with incumbent tools and processes that may slow you down.

In this webinar, Your First 90 Days as a Product Manager, our panel will cover:

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Schedule a few minutes with us to share more about your product roadmapping goals and we'll tailor a demo to show you how easy it is to build strategic roadmaps, align behind customer needs, prioritize, and measure success.